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SAN NICOLAS – Dianan 28 y 29 di Juli 2020 HOPEX (Help Our People Excel) hunto cu Little League Softball Aruba y e camara crew di The Freewinds a organisa un camp di softball pa hobenan di 6 pa 12 anja.

E nomber the Way to Happiness Softball Vacation Softball camp a bin di e trabounan cu ami, Carmelita Haynes , ta hacienda repartiendo e buki THE WAY TO HAPPINESS den nos comunidad. E versión pa mucha di e bukinan aki ta “HOW TO MAKE GOOD CHOICES.”

E meta principal di e camp tawata  pa nos muchanan no solamente siña e skills di e deporte di softball en general pero tambe pa nan siña skills di bida. E directiva di HOPEX y LLSA a scohe pa e forma di traha aki pa saka lo mihor di nos muchanan. En principio e camp tawata pa mucha muher so pero nos a logra forma un grupo di mucha hombre pa participa. Danki na e cooperación di FFD nos a haya uso di Joe Laveist pa e camp aki.

Nos a scohe 3 capitulo di e buki HOW TO MAKE GOOD CHOICES pa trata cu e muchanan:

  • Cuida bo mes (Covid-19)
  • Duna un bon ehempel
  • Sea competente: (observa, siña y practica)

Nos a incorpora e mini-seminario aki den e schedule di e camp.

E skills di softball cu a wordo duna ta: fildeo, bunt, bateo, flyballs, pitching, catching and running. E camp tawata uno basico y e muchanan a goza un mundo e dos dianan aki.

E hobenan di e equipo di softball EAGLES  tawata e lidernan di e gruponan cu mester a dirigi y instruí e participantenan di nan grupo den tur e skills menciona. Nan a hasi un tremendo trabou. E participantenan a demostra respet pa nan trabou, nan a participa 100% y sigui nan instruccionan. Nos a scohe e lidernan hoben aki pa duna nan e oportunidad di siña con pa ta un bon líder. Nan a wordo instruí prome cu e camp con pa atende cu e muchanan y con pa demostra e skills na e muchanan. Tambe con nan mester a coregi e muchanan. Pa cualquier problema nos tawata tin 5 adulto p ayuda si por si acaso tin un problema cu un di e muchanan. Nos ta gradici e lidernan hoben : Myah Thompson, Xiorcaniyx Vargas, Zulaima Croes, Jalliyah Vesprey, Keyla Cham, Ashmilayne Maduro, Destiny Johnson , Sharleymis Sparen, Shareldin– Krosendijk, Yee Mei Cheong y Anchell Statie.

E siguiente coachnan tambe a hasi un tremendo trabou, Glenda Thomasia, Marina Haynes, Carmelita Haynes, Yolanda Gumbs, Tony Rombley y Caluda Poulina. Danki na boso cu e camp a bai sin problema.

Un danki special na e cámara crew di Freewinds cu a filma henter e evento aki y a percura pa cada participante haya nan portret y hopi mas portret como recuerdo di e camp aki. Roberto, Maria Elena, Pablo y Andres a hasi un tremendo trabou y a sa di capta nos muchanan den acción. Tambe Freewinds a percura pa nos tin e buki” THE WAY TO HAPPINESS” na PAPIAMENTO y HOW TO MAKE GOOD CHOICES  pa reparti pa nos muchanan y pa nan hiba cas Pa esnan interesa den e bukinan aki por subi y haya copia di e bukinan aki of lesa nan online. Pero pa e bukinan na Papiamento por contact Carmelita Haynes na 5940221 pa haya bo copia GRATIS.



July 28 and 29, 2020 the HOPEX foundation together with Little League Softball Aruba and some crewmembers of the Freewinds organized a softball camp for the youth ages 6 to 12.

The name, The Way To Happiness Vacation Softball Camp, originated from the work Carmelita Haynes has been doing distributing the booklets, THE WAY TO HAPPINESS, in our community. The children’s version of this booklet is “HOW TO MAKE GOOD CHOICES.”

The main goal of the camp was that the kids not only learn the general softball skills but also life skills. The board of HOPEX and LLSA chose this working format to help our youth excel and achieve the best they can. Originally the camp was only for girls, but we managed to form a group of boys to participate also.–

Thanks to the cooperation of FFD we got the use of Joe Laveist Ballpark for this camp.

We chose 3 precepts from the booklet HOW TO MAKE GOOD CHOICES to teach:

  • Take care of yourself (Stay safe Covid -19)
  • Set a good example
  • Be competent (observe, learn and practice)

We incorporated this mini- seminar in the camp schedule.

The skills of softball that were given were: fielding, bunting, batting, flyballs, pitching, catching and running. This was a basic skills camp and the kids enjoyed very much enjoyed the 2 days.

The leaders were the players of the softball team EAGLES, who carried out the instruction and direction of the participants of their particular group in all the skills. They did a great job. The children respected their work, participated 100% and followed their instructions. We chose to use these leaders to give them the opportunity to learn how to become a good leader. Before the camp they received instructions on how to deal with the kids and how to demonstrate the skills to the participants. We also instructed them on how to correct mistakes by the participants. For any unexpected problems there were 5 adults present to help them. We thank the following young leaders: Myah Thompson, Xiorcaniyx Vargas, Zulaima Croes,Jalliyah Vesprey,Keyla Cham,Ashmilayne Maduro,Destiny Johnson,Sharleymis Sparen,Shareldin Krosendijk, Yee Mei Cheong and Anchell Statie. The following adult coaches also did a tremendous job; Glenda Thomasia, Marina Haynes, Carmelita Haynes, Yolanda Gumbs, Caluda Poulina and Tony Rombley. Thanks to you the camp went smooth.

A special thanks also goes out to the Camara Crew of the Freewinds who filmed the whole event and ensured that every participant got their picture and many more pictures as a memory from THE WAY TO HAPPINESS VACATION SOFTBALL CAMP. Roberto, Maria Elena, Pablo and Andres did a great job and captured the participants in action. The booklets of HOW TO MAKE GOOD CHOICES and THE WAY TO HAPPINESS in Papiamento, were also made available by the Freewinds and all the kids got a copy to take home.

For those interested  in the books please go to for the booklet and videos online.  For the books in Papiamento you can contact Carmelita Haynes at +297 5940221 to get a FREE copy.












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