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Turismo di Estadia na luna di novèmber Sifranan preliminar novèmber 2020

Turismo di Estadia na luna di novèmber Sifranan preliminar novèmber 2020


WILLEMSTAD- 11 di desèmber 2020 – Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou (CTB) ta raportá un kantidat di 13.705 turista di estadia pa luna di novèmber. Ta mirando un kresementu stabil tur luna den kantidat di turista di estadia desde ku gradualmente a kuminsá trese kambio den e restrikshonnan pa ku entrada na Kòrsou entrante promé di yüli último. Kòrsou a risibí 8.195, 9.227, 10.420 i 13.556 turista di estadia na luna di yüli, ougùstùs, sèptèmber i òktober respektivamente i awor 13.705 na novèmber. 91% di e kantidat di turista registrá ta prosedente di Europa i kasi tur e europeonan aki esta 95% a bini for di Hulanda. 


Kòrsou a risibí 11.915 turista for di Hulanda kual ta 71% di novèmber 2019 (16.803 turista hulandes). For di Alemania un kantidat di 231 turista aleman a keda registrá. Na luna di novèmber, 55% di turistanan for di Europa a keda den un ‘resort hotel’ (esta hotèl chikí, grandi i bùngalo), miéntras 45% a keda den un akomodashon alternativo. Un otro trend ku nos ta notando ta e kantidat averahe di anochi ku e turista europeo a keda nos pais. Turistanan prosedente for di Europa a keda 2 anochi adishonal na novèmber 2020 kompará ku novèmber 2019. Na novèmber 2020 e averahe di anochi tabata 11.4, miéntras aña pasá e mesun luna a registrá un averahe di 9.3 anochi. 


For di region Karibe, Kòrsou a risibí 556 turista di estadia na novèmber, primordialmente for di  e islanan den Reino Hulandes. Nos a risibí 375 for di Aruba, 102 for di Bonaire i 46 turista di estadia for di St. Maarten. Desde reinisio di e servisio di un biaha pa siman di United Airlines for di Newark, Kòrsou a risibí 201 bishitante. Esaki ta desde ku gradualmente ta tresiendo kambio den e restrikshon di biahe for di Estádos Unídos. 


CEO di CTB, Paul Pennicook a remarká, “e desaroyo resien kaminda Kòrsou a risibí kódigo oraño serka Hulanda, lo bai redusí lamentablemente e kantidat di turista di estadia ku nos ta risibí mensualmente for di Hulanda”. CTB, MEO, CHATA i demas stakeholders ta den kombersashon ku Tim di Krísis pa deliberá riba formanan kon e impakto negativo di kódigo oraño lo por keda redusí”, asina e CEO a kontinuá bisando. 


November stayover visitors’ performance


Preliminary November Visitor Arrivals 2020


WILLEMSTAD – December 11, 2020 – The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) is reporting 13,705 stayover visitors for the month of November. So far, we have seen a steady increase in stayover arrivals each month since the gradual lifting of travel restrictions on July 1. We welcomed 8,195, 9,227, 10,420 and 13,556 stayover visitors in July, August, September, October respectively and now 13,705 for November (see figure 1). Ninety one percent of the reported visitors came from Europe and almost all of these European visitors, 95%, came from the Netherlands.


We have welcomed 11,915 Dutch visitors, which is 71% of November 2019. Out of Germany, we registered 231 German visitors. Fifty five percent of these European visitors stayed in resort hotels (small-, large hotels and bungalow resorts), while 45% stayed in alternative accommodations in November. The chart below (figure 2) shows the distribution by the accommodation type for the European visitors. Another developing trend that we are noticing for the European visitor is the average nights spent. European visitors spent two additional nights in November compared to November 2019. The average night spent was 11.4, while last year we registered 9.3 nights.


From the Caribbean region, we have welcomed 556 stayover visitors in November, primarily from the Dutch Kingdom islands. We welcomed 375 (Aruba), 102 (Bonaire), and 46 (St. Maarten) stayover visitors. Since service out of Newark once a week with United Airlines resumed, we have welcomed 201 visitors out of the United States of America since the gradual lifting of travel restrictions.


“With the recent development of Curaçao being designated to code orange by The Netherlands, this will unfortunately reduce monthly arrivals from the Netherlands”, commented CTB CEO, Paul Pennicook. “CTB, MEO, CHATA and other stakeholders have been meeting with the Crisis Team to discuss ways in which the negative impact of code orange can be reduced”, continued the CEO.

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