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Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou ta lansa kampaña di konsientisashon ‘Kòrsou ta dushi i limpi’  / The Curaçao Tourist Board launches “Kòrsou ta dushi i limpi” awareness campaign 

Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou ta lansa kampaña di konsientisashon ‘Kòrsou ta dushi i limpi’ 


WILLEMSTAD- 14 di sèptèmber 2021 – Den un ambiente ameno na Área di Rekreashon Marie Pampoen, Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou (CTB) a lansa su kampaña di konsientisashon titulá ‘Kòrsou ta dushi i limpi’. Nos por alkansá un pais limpi basta nos tur duna di nos parti. Limpiesa di Kòrsou ta nos tur su responsabilidat. P’esei lema di e kampaña ta: ‘Huntu nos ta tene Kòrsou limpi!’ 


Durante di e evento Minister di Desaroyo Ekonómiko, sra. Ruthmilda Larmonie – Cecilia a para ketu na e importansia di un Kòrsou limpi tantu pa nos mes komo habitante pero tambe pa e turistanan ku ta skohe pa bishitá Kòrsou. Sr. Hugo Clarinda, direktor athunto di CTB a duna informashon referente e trayekto di limpiesa ku tambe ta forma parti di e totalidat di ‘Kòrsou ta dushi i limpi’. E trayekto di limpiesa ta inkluí limpiesa di diferente área públiko, rotònde, plenchi i áreanan turístiko. Ehekushon di e trabounan di limpiesa ta tuma lugá den estrecho koperashon ku Selikor, GMN/LVV i DOW. 


E promé fase di e kampaña di konsientisashon ‘Kòrsou ta dushi i limpi’ ta inkluí un video clip, spòtnan ku mensahe inspirativo, jingle i avisonan ku tep pa stimulá pa tene limpi. E jingle a keda komponé pa Xavier Navarro i e kantantenan ta Amos Balentin i Dibo Doran. E video clip i e spòtnan a keda dirigí pa Ryan ‘QD’ Navarro. E  parti di bos tabata na enkargo di Jefterick Luciano. E promé 3 spòtnan inspirativo ta inkluí Clarita Pieter – Hagenaar di Uniek Curaçao, Frengely ‘Frengo’ Hooi di Selikor i Remyson Caldera di GreenKidz. Durante e lunanan benidero lo sigui produsí mas spòt i tambe videonan informativo ku e meta pa motivá nos pueblo pa tene nos pais limpi.   


Pa mas informashon referente e kampaña bishitá e página di Kòrsou ta dushi riba Facebook i Instagram. Ban pa un Kòrsou, dushi i limpi. Huntu nos por!



The Curaçao Tourist Board launches
“Kòrsou ta dushi i limpi” awareness campaign 


WILLEMSTAD- September 14, 2021 – In a pleasant atmosphere at the Marie Pampoen Recreational Area, the Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) launched its “Kòrsou ta dushi i limpi” (Curaçao is “Dushi” and Clean) awareness campaign. A clean Curaçao is within reach, as long as we all do our part. Indeed, it is everyone’s responsibility, which is why the campaign was launched with the slogan: “Together, we will keep Curaçao clean!” 


During the event, Minister of Economic Development, Ms. Ruthmilda Larmonie–Cecilia, elaborated on the importance of a clean environment on Curaçao, both for us as the island’s inhabitants and for tourists who choose to visit the island. Deputy Director of the CTB, Mr. Hugo Clarinda, spoke about the cleanup efforts which are also part of the campaign, focusing on roundabouts, plazas, and public and tourist areas. The cleanup efforts are carried out in close collaboration with Selikor, the Ministry of Health, the Environment and Nature/ LVV and the Public Works Department (DOW). 


Phase 1 of the Curaçao is Dushi and Clean campaign includes a video clip, inspiring TV ads, a jingle and ads offering tips, all aimed at motivating the community to keep the island clean. The jingle was composed by Xavier Navarro and performed by Amos Balentin and Dibo Doran. The video clip and TV ads were directed by Ryan “QD” Navarro, while the voiceover was handled by Jefterick Luciano. The first three inspiring TV ads feature Uniek Curaçao’s Clarita Pieter-Hagenaar, Frengely “Frengo” Hooi of Selikor and Remyson Caldera of GreenKidz. More TV ads and informational videos will be produced in the coming months, all with the aim of motivating our population to keep Curaçao clean. 


For more information on this campaign, please visit the Kòrsou ta dushi page on Facebook and Instagram. Let’s make it a dushi and clean Curaçao. Together, we can do it!

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