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Collaboration between CoM and Press Aims to Improve Communication and Rebuild Public Confidence and Optimism

Government of Sint Maarten

Collaboration between CoM and Press Aims to Improve Communication and Rebuild Public Confidence and Optimism

Sun May 19 2024

The Council of Ministers (CoM) convened with press representatives on Friday, May 17, 2024, to discuss enhancements to the current Council of Ministers Press Briefing format.
After introducing the Cabinet members, who have been in office for two weeks, an informal session was held to outline the future approach to press communications, encompassing press conferences, statements, and releases.
During the meeting, various agreements were reached, with some feedback from the press requiring further deliberation and decision-making by the Council of Ministers.
A significant outcome was the decision to review the media accreditation policy. Attendees of the briefings will be invited to offer suggestions for improvement, forming the basis for collaborative discussions.
Prime Minister Dr. Luc Mercelina underscored the media’s vital role in nation-building, emphasizing its contribution to keeping the public informed and engaged, thereby fostering hope in the country’s emerging democracy.
Regular meetings with the media will be scheduled to maintain ongoing dialogue and collaboration. The first Council of Ministers Press Briefing is slated for Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.
Recognizing the pivotal role of a robust and independent press in informing the public, these efforts aim to enhance communication, rebuild trust, and hope, and ensure citizens are well-informed about their leaders’ initiatives and progress.
PHOTO CAPTION: CoM members, with Prime Minister Dr. Luc Mercelina (right), addressing members of the media (left).​
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