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CHATA ta firma akuerdo di kolaborashon ku SVH. Un invershon importante den nos hendenan pa ekselensia den servisio.

CHATA ta firma akuerdo di kolaborashon ku SVH.

Un invershon importante den nos hendenan pa ekselensia den servisio.



Willemstad, 5 di febrüari 2020 – Siman pasá, Stichting Vakbekwaamheid Horeca (despues di akí, referí komo SVH) a bishitá nos isla pa ofisialmente finalisá e akuerdo ku CHATA den kuadro di su esfuersonan edukashonal i di treining pa industria di Turismo. Un di e promé proyektonan di CHATA ku lo benefisiá di e kolaborashon akí ta e proyekto di ‘Kla Pa Turismo’.


CHATA i SVH su ophetivo prinsipal ta pa oumentá profeshonalismo den industia di hospitalidat. SVH ta konosí pa su kolaborashonnan ku partnernan den edukashon di hospitalidat i tambe empresarial. SVH ta desaroyá materialnan edukashonal digital i métodonan di duna lès pa edukashon vokashonal, treinernan i tambe  empresarionan.

Nan ta garantisá konosementu dor di kondusí èksamennan i proveé konosementu den e diferente treiningnan pa industria di hospitalidat.  Esaki ta e formula pa krea e konekshon entre edukashon di hospitalidat i mundu empresarial i tambe trese inovashon den e profeshonalismo den sektor.


CHATA ta orguyoso di por alsa nivel pa medio di e kolaborashon aki di Kòrsou su industria di turismo pa loke ta trata servisio, maneho i standarnan di industria. SVH ta sertifiká pa ISO (International Organization for Standardization) pa desaroyo i publikashon di materialnan i métodonan edukashonal, desaroyo i atministrashon di èksamen i registrashon di graduado i mas. Ta pa e motibu akí nos mester rekonosé e balor i importansia di e akuerdo firmá komo un kontribushon benefisioso i un invershon den nos industria di hospitalidat na Kòrsou i aun mas den nos hendenan lokal.


Resientemente CHATA a lansa e proyekto ‘Kla Pa Turismo’ den novèmber 2019, den kolaborashon ku Miniesterio di Desaroyo Ekonomiko (MEO) i Ministerio di Desaroyo Sosial, Labor i Bienestar (SOAW) i tambe PMO Strategia di Kresementu pa Kòrsou. E proyekto aki lo trein i prepará un máksimo di 300 hende lokal riba nivel basiko pa traha den hospitalidat komo e.o.: asistènt di kushina, asistènt di servisio, asistènt di seguridat den hospitalidat i kamarera. E kursonan ta konsistí di tareanan teoretiko i tambe praktiko i ta konkluí ku un èksamen praktiko. E partisipante lo keda guiá pa dosentenan ekperensiá den e industria i lo kolaborá tambe ku diferente kompanianan den e sektor di turismo i hospitalidat. E kontenido di e programa di asistènt di kushina  asistènt di servisio ta materialnan di SVH ku ta keda duná pa dosentenenan lokal. Lèsnan a kuminsá kaba pa e promé 38 partisipantenan riba 20 di januari 2020. E promé grupo di kamarera konsistiendo di 16 partisipante tambe a kuminsá ku nan kurso riba 3 di febrüari 2020.


Tambe CHATA a fasilitá un seshon di informashon pa su miebronan den kuadro di e posibilidatnan ofresé pa SVH. Miembronan di CHATA i/o kompanianan di treining manera e.o.: Avila Beach Hotel, Kura Hulanda Hotel, Livingstone Jan Thiel Resort, Corendon Mangrove Beach Resort, Papagyo Curacao, Chogogo Resort, Curacao Marriot Beach Resort etc. a risibí informashon ekstenso tokante e servisionan ku SVH ta ofresé i tambe SVH a duna splikashon amplio tokante nan diferente programanan. Mas aleu, nan a duna un demonstrashon ekslusivo di nan plataforma edukashonal digital. Despues di e presentashon, e kompanianan di treining a haña e oportunidat pa hasi pregunta i tambe nan a kompartí nan entusiasmo tantu pa e proyekto ‘Kla Pa turismo’, komo e oportunidat pa risibí e informashon di SVH personalmente. Aparte di e enkuentro akí, SVH a topa tambe ku diferente partnernan di turismo pa diskutí mas posibilidat di kolaborashon.Tambe nan a bishitá un di e lèsnan di Kla Pa Turismo na Marnix College Cas Cora, kaminda nan a duna un charla na e partisipantenan i a keda masha impreshoná ku e interes di esnan ku a skohe pa forma parti di e proyekto.


Mas alue, CHATA ta yama un danki kaluroso na Papagayo Curacao, kende a akomodá e representantenan di SVH durante nan estadia di 1 siman.



CHATA signs Partnership Agreement with SVH

An important investment in our People for excellence in Service


Willemstad, February 5, 2020 – Last week, Stichting Vakbekwaamheid Horeca (hereafter referred to as SVH) visited our island to officially finalize the agreement made with CHATA for its educational and training efforts for the tourism industry. One of the first CHATA projects that will benefit from this partnership is the ‘Kla Pa Turismo’ program. CHATA & SVH’s main objective is to increase the professional competence in the hospitality industry.  SVH is known for its partnerships together with partners from hospitality education and business. SVH develops (digital) learning resources and teaching methods for (vocational) education, trainers and entrepreneurs. SVH guarantees knowledge by conducting exams and provides insight into the training offer for the hospitality industry. This is the formula on how to create the link between hospitality education and business and bring innovation to the professional competence in the sector.


CHATA is proud to be able to raise the bar via this partnership for the Curaçao tourism industry for when it comes to service, management and industry standards. SVH is certified by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) for developing and publishing of teaching materials and teaching methods, development and administration of exams, registration of graduate and more. It is for that reason that we must recognize the value and importance of this signed agreement as a very beneficial contribution and investment to the Hospitality industry in Curaçao and most importantly our local people.


CHATA recently launched the ‘Kla Pa Turismo’ project in November 2019, in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Development (MEO), the Ministry of Social Development, Labor and Welfare (SOAW) and PMO Growth Strategy. This project will train and prepare a maximum of 300 locals on entry level to work in hospitality such as: kitchen assistant, service assistant, assistant for hospitality security or housekeeping. The courses are divided into both theoretical and practical assignments and will be concluded with a practical exam. The participants will be guided by experienced teachers in this industry and they will also collaborate with several different companies in the tourism and hospitality sector. The program content of the kitchen assistant and service assistant classes are all from SVH and are provided by local teachers; classes have already begun for the first 38 participants on the 20th of January 2020. The first housekeeping group of 16 participants also started their course on February 3, 2020.


CHATA also facilitated an information session for its Members in regard to the possibilities being offered by SVH. CHATA members and/or our teaching companies such as Avila Beach Hotel, Kura Hulanda Hotel, Livingstone Jan Thiel Resort, Corendon Mangrove Beach Resort, Papagayo Curaçao, Chogogo Resort, Curaçao Marriott Beach Resort etc. received the insights about all of the services that they offer and further explained their programs more elaborately. Furthermore, they also provided an exclusive sneak peek of their online learning platform. After the presentation, the teaching companies had a chance to ask questions regarding the program and they also shared their enthusiasm for the ‘Kla Pa Turismo’ project, as well as having the opportunity to receive this personal information with SVH being present.  Aside from meeting with the teaching companies, SVH also met with different tourism partners to discuss future possibilities of working together. They also visited one of the ‘Kla pa Turismo’ classes at Marnix College Cas Cora where they gave an insightful speech to the participants and were very impressed with the interests of those who have chosen to be a part of the Tourism program.


CHATA wants to give a special thank you to Papagayo Curaçao, who accommodated the SVH representatives during their one-week visit.


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