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3% mas turista di estadia den e promé 10 lunanan di 2016 – 3% more stayover arrivals in first ten months

3% mas turista di estadia den e promé 10 lunanan di 2016

WILLEMSTAD- 6 di desèmber 2016 – Sifranan preliminar kolektá pa Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou (CTB) ta indiká un kresementu di 3% durante e promé 10 lunanan di aña 2016, esaki lagando afó e impakto negativo di Venezuela riba e kantidat di turista risibí durante e aña aki. E kantidat di bishitante registrá for di pais bisiña Venezuela a mustra un bahada e aña aki kousando un impakto negativo riba nos prestashon total. Pa e promé 10 lunanan di aña Venezuela a registrá un total di 20.697 turista ménos kompará ku aña pasá kual ta un bahada di 28%.

Un total di 367.339 turista a keda registrá di yanüari pa òktober 2016, esaki ta un bahada di 3% kompará ku aña pasa. Europa a krese ku 5% yegando na un total di 170.732 turista di estadia pa e promé 10 lunanan di aña 2016. Region di Europa ta representá 46.5% di e total di turista ku a bishitá Kòrsou. Sobra regionnan esta Nort Amérika i Karibe a registrá un bahada di respektivamente 3% i 1% durante e promé 10 lunanan di aña 2016. Den sifranan apsoluto ta trata di respektivamente 64.100 i 28.288 turista di estadia.

CTB i MEO ta hasi uso di e modelo ‘Turistika’ pa kalkulá e kresementu ekonómiko generá for di industria di turismo. Durante e promé 10 lunanan di 2016, sektor di turismo a generá un impakto direkto di 757.1 mion florin pa nos ekonomia lokal. Turistanan prosedente for di Europa a generá un total di 392.6 mion florin kual ta 51.9% di e totalidat. Nort Amérika, Sur Amérika i otro regionnan a generá respektivamente 154.2, 159.1 i 51.3 mion florin.

Turismo di estadia na luna di òktober 2016
Region di Europa, a raportá un kresementu di 6% den kantidat di turista di estadia na òktober 2016. E kresementu aki ta representá un total di 407 turista mas kompará ku aña pasá. Den sifranan apsoluto ta trata di un total di 18.187 turista. Hulanda, e pais for di kua nos ta risibí mas tantu turista a registrá un kresementu di 3% ku un total di 13.515 turista di estadia. For di Alemania un kresementu di 12% a keda registrá. E esfuersonan di merkadeo kontinuo den e dos paisnan aki ta mustrando resultadonan positivo e último lunanan.

For di region Karibe nos a risibí 3.194 turista ku ta un bahada di 7% na òktober 2016. E kantidat di turista di estadia for di Aruba i Trinidad & Tobago tabatin un impakto negativo riba e resultadonan total di luna di òktober. Di otro banda Repúblika Dominikana, Haiti i Jamaica a raportá kresementu di respektivamente 4%, 88% i 16% kompará ku òktober 2015.

Kòrsou a risibí 4.583 turista di estadia for di Nort Amérika na òktober 2016. Òktober ta konosí komo un luna slo pa loke ta trata turista for di Nort Amérika. Canada a registrá 3% mas turista na òktober 2016 kompará ku òktober 2015. Turistanan for di Estádos Unídos a baha ku 16% kompará ku òktober 2015. For di Estádos Unídos por mira un kresementu for di e region di New York komo resultado di e kampaña di ‘Right Now In Curaçao’. E bahada den kantidat di turista for di Estádos Unídos ta pa motibu di ménos kapasidat di stul for di e otro regionnan for di kual nos ta risibí turista.

Region di Sur Amérika a konosé un bahada di 53% ku un total di 6.964 turista kompará ku 14.693 na aña pasa. Venezuela ku un total di 3.206 turista a registrá un bahada di 71% kompará ku aña pasá. E demanda for di Colombia i Brazil ta kresiendo. Colombia a registrá un kresementu di 13% ku un total di 1.098 turista kompará ku 969 na aña pasa. Brazil a registrá un kresementu di 39%. Un total di 894 brasilero a keda risibí na luna di òktober 2016 kompará ku 644 na aña pasa.

Sifra kantidat di anochi
Na òktober nos a registrá un kresementu averahe den kantidat di anochi pa estadia di 18%. Turistanan a keda un averahe di 8.2 anochi pa persona na òktober 2016. Aña pasa e kantidat averahe pa persona tabata 6.9. E kantidat di anochi ku e turista a keda riba nos pais na òktober 2016 si a konosé un bahada leve di 2%. Un total di 279.603 anochi a keda registrá kompará ku 286.537 na aña pasá. Esaki ta komo resultado di e bahada den kantidat di turista di estadia. Pa sobra di 2016 e pronóstiko ta positivo. E reservashonnan pa loke ta trata e merkadonan prinsipal ta mustra prometedor. Nos ta spera un kresementu positivo for di Hulanda, Bèlgika, Alemania, Colombia i Estádos Unídos pa e próksimo kuartal.


3% more stayover arrivals in first ten months

Year to Date (January through October 2016 Arrivals)

WILLEMSTAD – December 6, 2016 – The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) reports a preliminary growth of 3% during the first ten months of 2016, when leaving aside the negative impact from Venezuela on the year to date arrivals. Traffic from the neighbor country Venezuela showed a slowdown this year causing a negative impact on our overall performance. Venezuelan arrivals are short by 20,697 visitors in the first ten months, resulting in a 28% decrease on the year to date performance.

The total number of stayover arrivals from January through October 2016 reached a total of 367,339; this is a decrease of 3% compared to last year.
The visitor arrivals from Europe grew by 5% to reach a total of 170,732 stayover visitors in the first ten months of 2016. The European region represents 46.5% share of total visitors to Curaçao. The remaining regions; North America and Caribbean recorded a decrease of respectively 3% and 1% in the first ten months of 2016. In absolute numbers we counted respectively 64,100 and 28,288 stayover arrivals year to date.

CTB and MEO utilizes the ‘Turistika Model’ to calculate the economic impact generated from the tourism industry. During the first ten months of 2016 a direct impact of $ 416 million US dollars is generated for the local economy. 51.9% of the total direct impact is generated from European visitors who are responsible for $ 215.7 million US dollars. The North American, South American and other regions generated respectively $ 84.7, $ 87.4 and $ 28.2 million US dollars.

October 2016 Arrivals

The European region, reported an increase of 6% arrivals in October 2016, the increase represents 407 more visitors compared to last year. In absolute numbers a total of 18,187 visitors were counted in October 2016. The Netherlands, the main producing country, reported a growth of 3% to a total of 13,515 stayover visitors. From Germany a total growth of 12% is registered. The strong consecutive marketing efforts in both countries have showed positive performance over the last months.

The Caribbean region, with a total of 3,194 visitors, recorded a decrease of 7% in October 2016. The number of arrivals from Aruba and Trinidad and Tobago had a negative impact on the monthly results. By contrast Dominican Republic, Haiti and Jamaica reported increases of respectively 4%, 88% and 16% compared to October 2015.

Curaçao welcomed 4,583 visitors from North America in October 2016. October is known as a slowdown season from North America. Canada registered 3% more visitors in October 2016 compared to October 2015. Visitors from The United States of America are down by 16% compared to October 2015. From the US we are seeing a growth in the New York region, as a result of our right now in Curaçao campaign. The overall decrease from USA is due to less seats capacity from the other feeder regions.

South America registered a decrease of 53% with a total of 6,964 compared to 14,693 last year. Venezuela with a total of 3,206 visitors registered a drop of 71% compared to last year. The demand from Colombia and Brazil is increasing. Colombia registered a growth of 13% to reach a total of 1,098 visitors compared to 969 last year. Brazil registered a growth of 39%. In total 894 Brazilian visitors are welcomed in October 2016 compared to 644 last year.

Visitor Nights:

In October we registered an increase of average visitor nights per stay of 18%. On average visitors stayed 8.2 nights per person in October 2016. Last year the average nights per person was recorded at 6.9 nights. In terms of visitor nights a slight decrease of 2% is recorded in October 2016. A total of 279,603 visitor nights were registered compared to 286,537 last year. This is a result of the reduced amount of visitors.

For the remainder of 2016 prospects are positive. The forward bookings for our main markets of focus are very promising; we expect a big growth from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Colombia and the US for the upcoming quarter.





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