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Kòrsou a risibí riba 35 mil turista di estadia na yanüari 2022 / Curaçao welcomes over 35,000 stayover visitors in January 2022

Kòrsou a risibí riba 35 mil turista di estadia na yanüari 2022


WILLEMSTAD- 16 di febrüari 2022 – Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou (CTB) ta raportá un kantidat di 35.489 turista di estadia pa luna di yanüari. Di e 35.489 turistanan risibí, un total di 74% a bini for di Europa, 12% a bini for di Nort Amérika, 10% for di Sur Amérika, 2% for di Karibe i tambe 2% for di sobrá paisnan di mundu. Pa dia, un kantidat di 1.145 turista di estadia a keda registrá. Huntu e turistanan risibí na luna di yanüari a keda un total di 413.164 anochi riba Kòrsou. 


For di Hulanda nos a risibí 23.631 turista, kual ta 29% mas ku na luna di yanüari 2019 esta promé ku pandemia. For di Alemania, 794 bishitante a keda risibí miéntras for di Bèlgika 519 bishitante a keda risibí. Di e turistanan europeo aki, 56% a keda den un ‘resort hotel’ (esta hotèl grandi, chikí i bùngalo) na luna di yanüari.


For di Estádos Unídos un kantidat di 3.459 turista a keda risibí na luna di yanüari. Pa loke ta trata Canada, e total di turista risibí tabata 772. Esaki ta nifiká ku nos a risibí un total di 4.231 turista for di Nort Amérika. Di e turistanan prosedente di Nort Amérika 61% a keda den un ‘resort hotel’. 


For di region di Sur Amérika un total di 3.516 turista a keda risibí. Di e turistanan aki un total di 1.928 esta 55% ta prosedente di Colombia. Miéntras 605 esta 17% a bishitá nos for di Brazil. For di region Karibe, Kòrsou a risibí 867 turista di estadia na yanüari, primordialmente for di e paisnan di Karibe Hulandes.


Na luna di yanüari un total di 39 barku krusero a bishitá nos pais ku un total di 39.975 turista krusero.


E kantidat di turista di estadia registrá na komienso di aña a kontinuá den bon direkshon. E progreso registrá den e delaster lunanan di 2021 i kuminsamentu di e aña aki ta danki na e esfuerso kolektivo di stakeholders lokal huntu ku nos partnernan internashonal den nos merkadonan prinsipal. E esfuerso kolektivo kombiná ku e prestashon aktual, ta duna señal positivo pa ku e meta stipulá pa 2022 esta pa alkansá un total di 375 mil turista di estadia. 


Curaçao welcomes over 35,000 stayover visitors in January 2022


WILLEMSTAD – February 16, 2022 – The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) is reporting 35,489 stayover visitors for the month of January. From these 35,489 arrivals, 74% traveled from Europe, 12% from North America, 10% from South America, 2% from the Caribbean region and also 2 % from the rest of the world. In overall, we welcomed 1,145 stayover visitors per day who spent a total of 413,164 visitor nights in Curaçao.


For January, we welcomed 23,631 Dutch visitors, which is 29% more than January 2019 (pre-pandemic). Out of Germany and Belgium, we registered 794 and 519 visitors respectively. Of these European visitors, 56% stayed in resort hotels in January. 

From the United States of America, we welcomed 3,459 visitors in January. Seven hundred and seventy-two visitors were welcomed out of Canada. In total we welcomed 4,231 visitors from North America. North American visitors stayed 61% in resort hotels. 

From the South American region, 3,516 visitors were welcomed. Of the South America arrivals, 1,928 (55%) and 605 (17%) traveled from Colombia and Brazil, respectively. 

From the Caribbean region, we have welcomed 867 stayover visitors in January, primarily from the Dutch Kingdom islands. 


There were 39 cruise ship calls and 39,975 cruise visitors for the month of January. 


The year started with stayover visitor arrivals performance continuing on the right track to recovery. The progress made in the last months of 2021 and the start of this year is a collective effort from our local stakeholders combined with our international partners in our focus markets. With this joint effort and current performance, we are confident to reach the 2022 target set to welcome 375,000 stayover visitors this year.



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