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SERIE di 24 artíkulo tokante un posibel Struktura Estatal Nobo

Título di e buki: IN SYNERGIA UNANIMUS


Sub-título: Nos ta Kosechá loke nos a Sembra


E siglo aki lo bai over di tres kos:

  1. Libertat universal y libertat personal vs. dominashon outokrátiko.
  2. Prosperidat ekonómiko pa tur hende vs. privilegio ekonómiko.
  3. Traha ku naturalesa rònt mundu vs. traha kontra naturalesa.


Asina nos a introdusí nos keho kontra Venezuela entregá na e Konseho pa Derecho Humano di ONU. Bo por hañ’é aki: Bai na ‘Free E-books’ y klek riba ‘Terminando la Batalla Ciega & Sin Sentido’.


Tin hopi luchanan nos dilanti pa solushoná e 3 problemátika aki: migra-shon masal, mortonan masal di hamber, pandémianan (natural y  artifisial), yen manera pa hiba gueranan nobo (guera di cyber y informashon, biológiko, kímiko, ekonómiko, konvenshonal) y disturbionan sivil.


Sin embargo, nos ta ripití: no hansha! Na promé lugá, esaki (e gueranan) mester sosodé. Nos a pidi p’e. No por evit’é mas. Dikon wòri over di algu ku no por evitá mas? Na di dos lugá, ora e gueranan ta andando, sea bo ta muri of bo ta kustumá kuné. Mayoria ta kustumá kuné. Y na di tres lugá, Aruba, Kòrsou y Boneiru lo no sufri dje tantu durante e gueranan.


Nos ta kere den esei. Y si bo ta kere, e ta bira realidat. Nos lo skapa.


Esaki ta e era pa kontestá preguntanan grandi: Ta posibel pa mantené e aktual órden mundial anarkista di nashonnan soberano y armá? Mester prohibí e benta di armanan rònt mundu? E maneho di de-kolonisashon for di 1945 a funshoná? Dikon tantu estadonan a faya? Kon por mehorá e situashon aki? Dikon tin tantu guera? Dikon e maneho di non-proliferation di armanan nuklear a faya? Dikon a stòp di redusí e reserva-nan di armanan nuklear? Kapitalismo ta benefisiá tur hende di bèrdat?


Tambe: Unda spiritualidat a keda? Mester amplia e ròl di poder hudisial? Kon ta pará ku derechonan humano?


Ora bo ta konsiderá e preguntanan aki seriamente, lo bo ripará mesora ku nos a kai den big shit. Pues ta lógiko ku lo tin konsekuensia mahos.


Un di nan ta migrashon masal. Den nos region esaki a kuminsá ku Venezuela na 2018. Nos islanan no a keda inundá, pa lokual nos tin ku gradisí nos bisiñanan Latino Colombia, Perú y Brasil. Nan a risibí miyones di Venezolano. Pero Venezuela ta solamente e komienso. Despues di e kòlèps ekonómiko mundial inminente, lo yega miyones y miyones mas.


Nos por mira un karavana grandísimo di migrantenan Latino aserkando e frontera di Merka. Outoridatnan ta purba tene nan afó. Tin un muraya, blokeo di kaminda y otro opstákulonan. Pero e migrantenan ta rebeliá y ta derumbá e muraya. Nan tur ta kore drenta, miles y miles y miles di nan. E patruyanan di frontera ta tira riba nan pa purba stòp nan. Miles di nan ta kai y ta muri, pero nan ta sigui kore drenta, te ku e patruyanan ta stòp di tira, pasobra nan sa ku nan no por mata hende ku no ta armá.


Esaki ta un forma pa hiba un ‘Guera Pasífiko’. Pero tin mas: wèlganan, disturbionan, okupashonnan, sakeonan, inséndionan, Molotov-cocktails etc. Ora hende tin hamber y ta desesperá, kosnan ta sali for di man.


Na Europa kosnan similar lo sosodé. Di e forma aki fronteranan nashonal lo wòrdu kibrá, loke ta un kos ku mester sosodé pa por restrukturá mundu. E fayonan di Kapitalismo tambe lo sali na kla, manera esunnan di Sosialismo a sali na kla durante e último dos dékada di siglo pasá.


E tipo di problemanan aki ta konsekuensia di pobresa, kousá pa hopi aña di mal maneho y korupshon masal, y tambe di kodisia (haragan pa sèn) sin límite.


Nos ta kosechá loke nos a sembra …


Boneiru, 7 di yanüari 2022

Na nòmber di Fundashon ‘Golden Meand Society’,

Michiel Bijkerk, presidente




SERIES of 24 articles about a possible New Constitutional Structure



Chapter 18: PEACEFUL WAR

Sub-title: We Reap as we Sow


This century will be about three things:

  1. Global freedom and individual empowerment vs. autocratic rule.
  2. Global economic prosperity for all vs. economic privilege/elitism.
  3. Global working with nature vs. working against nature.


Thus we introduced our complaint against Venezuela submitted to the UN Human Rights Council. You can find it here: Go to ‘Free E-books’ and click on ‘Ending the Blind & Pointless Battle’.


The kinds of struggles that lie ahead to settle these 3 crucial issues are legion: mass-migration, mass-starvation, pandemics (natural and man-made), all kinds of new warfare (biological, chemical, cyber, informa-tional, economic, conventional) and prolonged civil unrest.


Nevertheless, we repeat: Relax! First of all, this has to happen. We asked for it. It cannot be averted anymore. Why worry about something we cannot escape from? Secondly, when you are in it, either you die or you get used to it. Most get used to it. And thirdly, we (Aruba, Curaçao and Bonaire) will pass through it mainly unscathed.


We believe in this scientific nonsense. And when you believe, it happens.


This is the time for answering big questions: Is the present anarchical world-order of sovereign and fully-armed nation-states tenable? Should the production and sale of weapons be prohibited the world over? Has the policy of decolonization after 1945 worked? Why are there so many failed states? What can be done about it? Why is war so common? Why did non-proliferation of nuclear weapons fail? Why did the reduction of nuclear weapons stockpiles stall? Is Capitalism really working for all?


Also: Where has spirituality gone? What role should the judiciary play? What of human rights?


When you seriously consider these questions, you will soon see that we have landed in big shit. So there will be very nasty consequences.


One of them is mass-migration. In our region this started in 2018 with Venezuela. Our islands have not been overwhelmed, thanks to our Latin neighbors Colombia, Peru en Brazil, who took in millions of impoverished Venezuelans. However, Venezuela was only the beginning. As the world economy begins to crash, there will be millions upon millions more.


We can see a huge caravan of millions of Latino migrants descend upon the USA-border. The authorities try to keep them out. There’s a wall, road-blocks and other obstacles. But the migrants rebel and blow up parts of the border-wall. They all rush through, hundreds of thousands of them. The border-patrols shoot to kill. Thousands fall dead, but they keep on coming, until the border-patrols stop shooting, because they instinctively know that you cannot kill unarmed people.


This will be one form of ‘Peaceful War’. But there will be more: strikes, riots, occupations, lootings, burnings, Molotov-cocktails etc. When people are hungry and desperate, things get out of hand.


In Europe similar situations will occur. Thus national borders will be broken, which is one requirement for re-structuring the world. The failings of Capitalism will also become clear as those of Socialism became clear during the eighties and nineties of the last century.


These kinds of problems are a consequence of poverty, caused by long years of mis-organization and massive corruption, as well as unbridled greed.


We reap as we sow …


Bonaire, 7 January 2023

On behalf of Foundation ‘Golden Meand Society’ (GMS)

Michiel Bijkerk, president



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