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CHATA ta Establesé Komishon E Normal Nobo / CHATA Establishes the New Normal Committee

CHATA ta Establesé Komishon E Normal Nobo


Willemstad, 4 di mei 2020 – Ku bista riba rekuperashon, ta importante pa pensa kon Kòrsou lo move pa dilanti unabes e pandemia pasa. Pa ta mas miho posibel prepará pa e momentu ku ekonomia habri bèk kompletu i eventualmente Kòrsou habri su frontera, CHATA a establesé e komishon E Normal Nobo.


E komishon E Normal Nobo ta konsistí di diferente representante di e industria di Hospitaldat di Kòrsou i lo keda guiá pa ekspertonan den maneho di publiko. Huntu ku TMC Tours, Avila Beach Hotel, AM Resorts, Renaissance Curaçao Resort & Casino, Mosa Restaurant, Papagayo Curaçao, Dolphin Suites Curaçao i BPO Curaçao, nan lo diskutí kiko e standarnan lo ta, durante i despues di COVID-19, ku e proposito pa minimalisá i limitá propagashon di e viru. E diskushonnan aki lo ta guiá pa eksperto di maneho di publiko, sr. Thakaidzwa Doran i Elton Vileriaal di Texperience, kende lo asistí ku un miho komprondementu di lokual lo por funshoná i tambe lokual lo no funshoná, mientras ta mantené seguridat e prioridat.


E meta di e komishon ta pa analisá i identifiká kambionan ku ta nesesario i protokòlnan ku mester keda implementá pa asina sirbi turista i lokalnan na un manera mas sigur posibel. “Sea ta pa kome na un restorant, keda na un hotèl o kore den un tour bùs, nos ke pa nos komunidat i nos turistanan sinti sigur na momentu ku nan sali nan kas i pais. Ta importante pa prepará ekonomia di Kòrsou pa medio di komunikashon efisiente tokante posibel ahustenan i lokual esakinan lo enserá, komo ku esakinan por varia for di treinen obligatorio di empleado, protokòlnan di limpiesa konsentrá i intensivá te na diseño di mapa di negoshi”, Presidente i CEO di CHATA, sr. Miles Mercera ta kompartí.




CHATA Establishes the New Normal Committee


Willemstad, May 04, 2020 – With recovery in mind, it is important to think how Curaçao will be moving forward once the pandemic has subsided. In order to be best prepared for when the local economy fully opens and eventually following the opening of Curaçao’s borders to receive tourists, CHATA has established the New Normal Committee.


The New Normal Committee exists of different representatives of Curaçao’s hospitality industry and will be guided by experts in crowd control. Together with TMC Tours, Avila Beach Hotel, AM Resorts, Renaissance Curaçao Resort & Casino, Mosa Restaurant, Papagayo Curaçao, Dolphin Suites Curaçao and BPO Curaçao, they will be discussing what the new standards will be, during and post COVID-19, with the purpose to minimize and limit the spread of the virus. These discussions will be led by crowd management experts Thakaidzwa Doran and Elton Vileriaal from Texperience, who will aid in receiving a better understanding of what would and what would not work, keeping safety as the number one priority.


The aim of the committee is to analyze and identify what necessary changes need to be made and what protocols need to be implemented in order to serve tourists and locals in the safest manner possible. “Whether it is to eat at a restaurant, stay at a hotel or ride a tour bus, we want our community and our tourists to feel safe when leaving their home and countries. It is important to prepare Curaçao’s economy by communicating efficiently on what the possible adjustments will consist of, as they can range from anything between mandatory staff trainings, concentrated cleaning protocols and floor plan designs,” shares CHATA President and CEO, Miles Mercera.

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